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The SFCU offers unrivaled internship opportunities exclusively for Penn students every semester. Get real world experience in the financial services industry. Opportunities in Credit, Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems, Marketing, Operations, and Supervisory are available. Students of all ages and experiences are encouraged to apply.
Our goal as an institution is to provide the best possible experience for our employees and ensure that they have the skills and confidence needed to take the next step after graduation. Our Human Resources Division organizes numerous events and activities throughout the year to achieve this goal.
The Human Resources Division continually works to improve the flow of knowledge within our employee pool. We have developed a strong mentoring program that gives interns direct access to upperclassmen who provide advice on the Student Federal Credit Union, school, and summer internships. Each semester, we hold a variety of professional development workshops, covering topics from resumes and cover letters to the internship search and OCR. In the spring, we arrange mock interviews from employees who have successfully interned at top companies.
After nearly a quarter century of operations, the SFCU has grown a strong alumni network in a range of industries. As of 2010, we have three Vice Presidents at Goldman Sachs, two at Citibank, one at Merrill Lynch Bank of America, Randomhouse Publishing, Nickelodeon, a senior counsel to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York - a list that is by no means comprehensive. Human Resources works to bring our distinguished alumni back to campus to share their experiences in formal and informal settings.
2021 University of Pennsylvania Students Federal Credit Union. All Rights Reserved
The Student Federal Credit Union at the University of Pennsylvania is an independently operated financial institution, and not part of the University of Pennsylvania.